Good bye Mr.Chips Synonyms 1

Good bye Mr.Chips Synonyms 1

There are 15 synonyms.Choose the option that is similar in meaning to the given word.Submit all of your answers in one comment.

1) Sprightliness is similar in meaning to
A. astuteness
B. dullness
C. greatness
D. greediness

2) Perception is similar in meaning to
A. sadness
B. drowsiness
C. happiness
D. notion

3) Anno domini is similar in meaning to
A. flu
B. forgetfulness
C. dotage
D. malaria

4) Toodling is similar in meaning to
A. teetering
B. funny
C. playful
D. timid

5) Ragged is similar in meaning to
A. sad
B. discouraged
C. tattered
D. contented

6) Chubby is similar in meaning to
A. brave
B. cheeky
C. healthy
D. sad

7) Queer is similar in meaning to
A. pure
B. obvious
C. odd
D. easy

8) Recollection is similar in meaning to
A. reminiscence
B. oblivion
C. thinking
D. picture

9) Vivid is similar in meaning to
A. open
B. vague
C. secret
D. lucid

10) Ordeal is similar in meaning to
A. tribulation
B. step
C. news
D. prayer

11) Pounce is similar in meaning to
A. leep
B. plunder
C. leep
D. work

12) Legitimate is similar in meaning to
A. wrong
B. legal
C. delicious
D. easy

13) Implacable is similar in meaning to
A. selfless
B. snobbish
C. intransigent
D. unruly

14) Ruffian is similar in meaning to
A. angel
B. innocent
C. protagonist
D. rascal

15) Baiting is similar in meaning to
A. teaching
B. harassing
C. respecting
D. honouring

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  1. Replies
    1. Entry Test Practice ( Admin )May 31, 2020 at 12:09 PM

      Will update them soon !

  2. Entry Test Practice ( Admin )May 31, 2020 at 12:08 PM

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